Ambulance Bole To Panchmukhi

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

Non Emergency Transportation


Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services provide a unique service to its customer called “Non-Emergency Transportation”. These unavoidable services are rendered to those patients who are a bit stable but cannot take a long journey on commercial flight or need to lie on bed with oxygen or other medical support. For these types of patients, the company has special air planes having both Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS). That is (i.e.) the ambulance is equipped with all necessary lifesaving apparatus starting from simple bandages and disinfectant solution to respiratory assistance machines and defibrillators.

The ALS air ambulance is provided with oxygen, medications, cardiac monitor, V-pumps, pulse oximeter, transcutaneous cardiac pacemaker, ventilators, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), sphygmomanometer, nebulizer, etc. Apart from that all ambulance will be transferred with one experienced doctors and one nurse or paramedical teams.

Now the question arises is that how can a patient or family members of patient decide that he/she will need non-emergency transportation or emergency transportation? Not to worry about that, just make a call at our 24 x 7 dispatches and information center or send an online request on our website to schedule a medical evacuation.

Our efficient teams will immediately forward your request or call to the medical team. Then one of the medical representatives will take the details of patients’ present condition and his/her medical history. They will also listen about patient’s budget. They may also contact patient’s present treating doctor if they feel it necessary. Then they will make an assessment and communicate you the details of Panchmukhi process and will make everything transparent.

Then after the approval of patient or patient’s family members, the proficient team of Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services will make an arrangement of evacuation and reach your place. Depending on the condition of patient, 1-3 companion of the patient will also be allowed to accompany with the patient.

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Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd.

There is no such thing as a "Train Ambulance" It's a Myth But we provide medical escort facilities in Trains for patient shifting. Panchmukhi Air and Train Ambulance provide medical escort facilities in trains for shifting patients with the presence of proper care during the journey.

Contact No.: +91-9955990333, +91-8521959874, +91-8292275108
